Beach volleyball is a good activity for those of all skill levels who want to play all year long in the sun and sand. Understanding the fundamentals and establishing a strong foundation are essential for playing and enjoying beach volleyball.
This useful manual provides advice that is frequently given at beach volleyball camps and can assist novice players in developing a love for the sport and the game.
A high net is used in the game of volleyball, which is played by two teams with typically six players per team. The goal is to get the ball to touch the court inside your opponent’s playing area before you can return it.
To stop this from happening, a player on the opposing team bats the ball up and toward a teammate before it touches the court. That teammate can then volley it back across the net or bat it to a third teammate who volleys it across the net. Only three touches of the ball are permitted per team before the ball must be returned over the net.
Beach Volleyball Rules
Beach volleyball is a game played between two teams of two people on an outdoor court made of sand. The object of the game is to throw an inflated ball over a high net in the middle of the court so that it lands in the opponent’s half.
Around 1915, beach volleyball was invented in Hawaii, and it only became popular in Europe in the 1930s.
Over the years, competitions grew routine, and during the 1980s, the sport saw a notable uptick in popularity. Only in 1992 did beach volleyball make its debut in the Olympics.
During these games, it was only a demonstration event; but, four years later, it became a recognized Olympic sport. Since then, it has always been a part of the Olympics. The two most successful countries in volleyball in the Olympics are the United States of America and Brazil.
Overall, the USA has won 10 medals (6 gold, 2 silver, and 2 bronze), whereas Brazil has won 13 medals (3 gold, 7 silver, 3 bronze).
There are only three touches allowed to return the ball in beach volleyball, and any ball that touches the ground results in a point.
Beach volleyball follows the same fundamental rules as indoor volleyball. Three sets make up a match; the first two sets are played to a total of 21 points, while the third set is played to a total of 15 points.
The teams will alternate sides of the court after every seven points in a set. A team must win two sets in order to win the game. 카지노
Only a two-point differential can win the third set, also known as the tiebreaker. In beach volleyball, players can kick the volleyball or use any other part of their body to return it.
The ball may not, however, be thrown, held, or caught during a game. Serving is the sole action that has to be performed by the arm.
Communication is key during the game, so keep that in mind. It’s possible for both players to go for the ball at the same moment because there are only two players on either side of the court.
To avoid any injury, calling for the ball is necessary and communicating with your teammate will improve your chances of winning the point.
I Get all the Touches I Need, Right?
In volleyball, there can only be a maximum of three touches, and you want all three touches. Your setter’s job is to set up the third touch for a leap and a spike after you receive one pass that gives your team control of the ball.
Who sets the table? In beach volleyball, there are only two players, unlike indoor volleyball, where there is a dedicated setter.
You won’t be successful if the ball is being passed back and forth between a small group of players after only one or two touches. The team should always be encouraged to use all three touches, especially new players.
That Was a Touch
So when does a block become a touch? When the opposing team spikes the ball in indoor volleyball while you are on the net attempting to block it, the ball strikes the blocker(s) and then travels into their court, giving their team three touches to play the ball. The only time you can play two consecutive touches is if you blocked the ball, which is the case in this instance.
When playing 2 on 2 beach volleyball, the blocker’s touch actually counts as the team’s initial touch. The third or final touch must cross the goal line before the defender or blocker can pursue the ball.
What about that initial contact, then? I can use free hands to pass the ball and set up the action, right?
There are different rules for beach volleyball and indoor volleyball. When playing 6 on 6 or indoor volleyball, you should take the majority of serves and receives with your platform, but you can also receive your initial touch with an overhand pass.
However, receiving the ball with your hands is strictly prohibited in beach volleyball. Therefore, our top recommendation is that you NEVER use your hands during a serve-receive.
You pass with your forearm or bump. It is crucial for beach volleyball players who want to advance. If the serve does come high and quickly, you can use a “tomahawk” by flipping your platform over and receiving with your hands’ “karate chop” portions. NOTHING should be slapped overhand as your first touch. To understand how to build your ideal platform, keep scrolling.
On your Mark … Set!
How does a set contact appear? Many players slam the ball forward with their fingertips when they are learning or strike the ball exceptionally hard. In a set, the kind of rebound you want is comparable to how a basketball is dribbled. It is not the tips of your fingers that you require, but rather the same gentle accept and then out.
Instead, form a diamond or cheeseburger shape with your hands so that the ball enters your hands, rotates back through your wrists, and then is pushed forward and out.
Bump, Set & Spike!!
Everyone enjoys spiking, but Brandon especially. Therefore, having the proper strategy and talent is the greatest method to turn your spikes into points.
You should be far from the net as you position yourself for a spike. Because your hitting window will be narrow and it will be harder to set you, you should NOT wait at the net for a spike. We advise that you should be behind half court when you begin to wait for a spike and are prepared to hit, at which point you should request the set on the net.
You’ll pull yourself into a bow and arrow position before jumping, hitting the ball with the center of your hand from a high altitude.
As we previously said, never spike a ball with your fingertips, especially when playing beach volleyball. For 6 on 6 or indoor volleyball, tips are always accepted, but not for beach volleyball.
Serve it Up!
In indoor volleyball, you used to have to serve from the back right corner of the court, but that rule has since been eliminated. You can therefore serve over the net as long as you are behind the service line or baseline.
You can’t watch from the stands. It is an illegal serve if you step on the sideline or outside of it. You need to be behind the service line and between the sidelines. Stepping on the line before making contact is considered an illegal serve.
As long as you touch the serve before landing in the playing area, you are permitted to serve, jump, and land inside the court. Keep the ball between the two antennas on the nets, which stand in for the sidelines, when serving from any position, including the right, middle, or left.
The serve is illegal if it crosses the out-of-bounds marker and settles on the court after going directly over the antenna’s top. The ball is unable to cross over antennas since they are truly infinite out of bounds lines.
Court and Net Rules:
•Playing Court
The dimensions of a beach volleyball court should be 16 meters long and 8 meters wide. There should be at least 5 meters of clear outside space between endlines and sidelines.
The court should have flat, dry space. Stones, seashells, and other potentially dangerous or obstructive things should not be present.
•Net Standards
The net height for men’s volleyball is 7 feet 11 5/8 inches. The net height for women’s volleyball is 7 feet 4 1/8 inches. It ought to be UV, heat, stress, and humidity resistant. The mesh should have even dimensions and be square.
The fabric of the volleyball net can be made of synthetic materials like PVC or nylon. The ends of the rope should be crimped, and brass or stainless steel eyelets should be used for the eyelets. The cord needs to be PVC-coated and composed of metal, preferably steel.
•Sand Quality
Sand that is of high quality should be devoid of debris, be level, and be compact. The skin shouldn’t become stuck with sand particles.
Surface tension and hardness should not exist on the level playing surface. The weight of the players’ bodies and their constant movement on the court should prevent it from being brittle and sinking in, though.
•Pole Standards
The fundamental need for the beach volleyball poles is anodized metal with lockable winches. Without utilizing any ladders, adjustments should be made from a single position.
The round pole’s recommended thickness is 3.5″. The color can be chosen by the sports organizers. It shouldn’t, however, make the volley ball less visible while it’s being played.
Outdoor Volleyball Rules That Apply on Players
Players must wear the T-shirts or jerseys that are part of the official club or team uniform. The numbers on a jersey can range from 1 to 20. It needs to be printed in the middle on both the front and back. It should be large enough to be seen and be 15 cm in front and 20 cm in rear.
Women’s volleyball players should wear protective footwear that weighs 9.8OZ per pair. For male volleyball players, it might range from 12.6 OZ to 14.2 OZ.
Knee pads should be snug and totally enclose the knee. They can be formed of mesh shells or materials that absorb shock, such as high-density foam made of polyurethane and cotton. The size should completely enclose the upper, middle, and lower knees.
Elbow guards for beach volleyball can be composed of shockproof foam with strong joint compression properties. Sweat should be absorbed, and airflow should be unrestricted.
At beach volleyball, a team scores points when they are successful in hitting the ball in such a way that the opposition team is unable to legitimately return it.
An illegal return involves striking the net, striking the ball more than three times in one rally, or not striking the ball at all. During the first two sets, teams must switch ends and move to the opposite side of the court every seven points.
During the third set, they also mandated a side changeover after every five points. When 21 points have been scored in total, such as when the score is 14-7, for example, a timeout is taken.
In beach volleyball, the winner is the first team to win two sets. A set is declared won when a player scores 21 points, or 15 points in the last set, with a two-point margin of victory. Thus, if the score is 21-20, for instance, the set will continue until one team is ahead by two points.
Aim of the Game
The basic goal is to strike the ball in a tactical manner to prevent the opposition from returning it in a “legal” method. The first “serve” of the match will be made by one team, which involves hitting the ball over the net.
The second round of play will feature a “rally,” in which the ball is passed back and forth between the two teams while flying above the net.
When one team is unable to recover the ball, the rally is over, and the team that forced the error receives a point. A set is decided by the team that scores 21 points (by two clear points) first; two set victories are necessary to win the match as a whole.